用戶體驗 Customer Experience

OnePort Limited
eRO 登記及查詢熱線 : 3669-1407

  • 貨運代理Freight Forwarders:

    1. Charter Link Logistics Ltd, HK

      "I give a “thumbs-up” to eRO. Needless to say, eRO is a big help to save time and cost. It also helps speed up our communication with shipping lines in case of missing required documents. We can avoid unnecessary demurrage charges. Further, we are looking for an e-payment solution which minimizes our efforts of paper cheques handling."

      "對於eRO,我不期然舉起手指公讚好。除節省時間和金錢外,eRO 亦幫助我們與船公司加強溝通,間接減少欠交文件和不必要的倉租。我更期望 eRO 更上一層樓,引入電子繳費系統,去解決我們仍要安排傳送支票給船公司的煩惱。"

      Malcolm Lee, Import Operation Manger
      Charter Link Logistics Ltd, HK
      (started eRO from 5/2018)
    2. DHL Global Forwarding (Hong Kong) Limited

      "Simplicity is beauty. We’re convinced that OnePort’s eRO service can indeed trim down physical current DO documentation procedures. It minimizes administrative efforts and courier costs, generating actual savings. We’re happy to see the commitment demonstrated by OnePort to continuously improve the service, and to further extend the scope to all shipping lines."


      DHL Global Forwarding (Hong Kong) Limited
      (started eRO from 5/2017)
    3. Nippon Express (HK) Co Ltd

      "Due to the remote location of my office, courier service is hardly arranged without paying extra. The office lady is no longer required to deliver and collect documents at shipping line’s service counter where she could wait for up to half day. It adds on costs and workload. eRO is a big help to me."

      "我們公司位置偏遠,安排速遞又需時又花費,在這方面eRO對我們幫助很大。 另外,我們亦不再需要安排”公司姐姐”上船公司取DO;過往”公司姐姐”在船公司櫃位等DO發放,快則以半小時,慢則半天或以上,影響”公司姐姐” 工作量或需要返回取DO增加成本。"

      Leo Cheung, Manager – NVOCC
      Nippon Express (HK) Co Ltd
      (started eRO from 4/2017)
    4. Shenzhen Asia Global Logistics Co. Ltd

      “Freshness is about time. The earliest we can collect the container at terminal, the fresher the produce we can deliver to the market. eRO breaks through bottlenecks of paper administration. It’s fast and convenient. I have no reason not using it.”

      “貨物新鮮與否在乎於時間。能盡早在碼頭提櫃,便能盡快把蔬果送到市場。eRO 電子提櫃單打破紙張行政的樽頸。這服務既快,又方便。我想不到理由不使用它”。

      Shenzhen Asia Global Logistics Co. Ltd
    5. Shipco Transport (HK) Ltd

      "eRO service provides 24-hr hotline for us to have assistance at anytime Change of storage free time is updated instantly on the system, saving me trouble to send the paper DO back to shipping line for amendment. I can better utilize my valuable resources. "

      "eRO 提供24小時服務熱線,無論貨代、貨主或運輸都可隨時有實質支援。 除此,任何更改倉期只需在eRO電子系統上處理,船公司在電子系統上即時更改倉期,不需像以往我們要把紙張DO再送回船公司更改。"

      Tim Lee, Assistant General Manager
      Shipco Transport (HK) Ltd
      (started eRO from 8/2018)
    6. Vanguard Logistics Services (Hong Kong) Ltd

      "FAST! CLEAR! TIMELY!! "
      "Fast – eRO shortens time to collect release order from shipping lines. I can pass it on to my trucking partner right the way."
      "Clear – all information is searchable and clearly displayed."
      "Timely – eRO will send alert automatically once changes happen, saving effort to contact shipping line."

      "快! 靚! 正!"
      "快! – 從船公司換取eRO以及我們傳遞給運輸公司的所需時間比以前快。"
      "靚! – 有關提櫃單的資料詳盡清晰,一目了然, 即時更新。"
      "正! – 任何eRO的資料改動,系統都主動有電郵通知我們,減少我們與船公司的電話聯絡。"

      Gloria Ng, Import Operation Manager
      Vanguard Logistics Services (Hong Kong) Ltd
      (started eRO from 10/2017)
    7. Yusen Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited

      "There is no need to worry about missing paper documents and posting lost announcement on newspapers. Besides, eRO is environmental friendly. All records are saved on line, no need to print any paper and no paper is needed to pass."

      "我們再不擔心會遺失DO,亦不需為此而登報。 使用eRO十分環保,不需再印任何文件或傳送任何文件,所需資料都已存於系統中。"

      Eric To, Senior Manager, CS & Import Dept. (Ocean Freight Forwarding Division)
      Yusen Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited
      (started eRO from 7/2018)
  • 貨主 Consignees:


      "Save the time to exchange the D/O from liners, and forward to our truckers."

      "eRO 把過往要傳遞紙張DO的時間大大縮減了。"

      Sylvia Ho, Manager (Shipping Dept)
      (started eRO from 5/2016)
    2. El Grande Holdings Ltd

      "Our trucking partners found no difficulty to use eRO. From now, they have no need to come to our office to collect eRO for container pick up"


      Paul Lee, Purchasing & Logistics Manager
      El Grande Holdings Ltd
      (started eRO from 3/2018)
    3. General Mills Hong Kong Limited

      "The system is easy to use. It doesn’t take us too long to master it. Now, we don’t even need to fill out courier orders to pass paper DOs. I do hope that more shipping lines can offer the service soonest so that I don’t have to handle two processes – paper and paperless, in parallel. "

      "系統容易上手,操作方面又簡便又快捷,我們不需多久就已學懂。現在連填寫COURIER order 紙的時間都免除了。我們期望更多船公司和貨代參與eRO,以致我們可全面使用,不需部份用電子方式,部份又要用紙張方式。"

      General Mills Hong Kong Limited
      (Our Brands: Haagen-Dazs, Wan Chai Ferry, Nature Valley, Betty Crocker)
      (started eRO from 11/2018)
  • 運輸公司 Trucking Companies:

    1. 一輝集團 Yat Fai Group

      "As a trucking company managing a fleet of nearly 100 container trucks, manual processing of all the paper DOs is costing a lot of our time, money and resources. Now, my consignee customers can send eROs to me with just a click of button, and our drivers can receive eROs on the road via their hand phones. I can also re-arrange their job orders easily, if needed, since the QR code of eRO is only what they need for container pick-up at terminals. I can do my job remotely even I am not in the office."

      "作為一間管理一支接近100部貨櫃車的運輸公司,處理過往的紙張DO都相當費時費力費資源。運輸公司再不需每次到貨主公司取DO,在系統上輕輕一按,我們就即時收到eRO。 我們的司機也不需回公司取DO,我們在系統上綑綁車牌,司機已可即時到碼頭取櫃。我們又可隨時都可更改車牌去取櫃。 除了電腦版外,我們亦可透過手機應用程式去處理eRO,就算不在辦公室我們隨時隨處都可使用此服務。"

      蕭偉文, 副總經理
      一輝集團 Yat Fai Group
      (started eRO from 6/2017)

      "Certainly, eRO helps our trucking industry a lot. Not only saving our resources to pass original paper DOs, eRO provides a high flexibility for our fleet management."


      (started eRO from 11/2017)

Sender: OnePort Limited, 9/F, Warehouse Building Phase I, Berth One, Kwai Chung, Tel: 3669-1407
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